Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Eight: Highest (Never Have Imagined) Demo

Just a short one here because I think it's time I get off my computer.
But don't judge me – it's for a good cause. I've been writing and editing music pretty much the whole time (if you must know, I took an 8 minute break to catch up on E3 news).

The song I've been working on is called Highest (Never Have Imagined).

The background/reason for the song:

A good friend of mine has a birthday coming up in the autumn season, after school is out. Basically, I'm planning a couple of projects in advance right now, because my July month is all but completely blocked out – university summer program and church summer camp, and I start school August 1. 

So I asked my friend what I might do for their birthday as a gift, be it artwork, music, or whatever. When I proposed a song, the friend immediately said yes to the idea. 

That's basically the background and the reason. It's a birthday song for a close friend. There was the motivation.

But that was earlier in the week, and I had another problem. I sat down yesterday for two hours, playing with different instruments and different melodies. Usually, doing such lands me on some inspiration which leads to the rest of a song. No such luck yesterday. I ended up with nothing except the chord progression to Nicki Minaj's "Starships" or whatever it's called, which I found on accident.

I kept running into the same progression, no matter which key I played. For you music theorists, it was some combination of I, vi, IV, V. For you non-music theorists, this.
Is it pretty? Yeah, sure. But it's also THE most overused combinations of chords ever. Don't believe me?

Alright, so I had a problem, because all I could do were the I, vi, IV, and V chords. Thankfully, a new tune hit me late last night and stuck with me till this morning. This morning, I planned to just do a little of it. You know, record a couple instruments.

...I've spent 8:30 AM this morning through 12:00 noon – stopped for lunch – and then through 4:30 PM just working on this. I constructed two verses, a chorus, a special repeat at the end, a bridge, lyrics, and THE ENTIRE SONG IS EVEN INFINITELY LOOPABLE as an instrumental track. 3 minutes 40 seconds of audio, like I said.

All I have to do now (and by now, I mean later) is figure out the vocal harmony. And then sing the whole thing.

But isn't that just like me? Getting a project with a deadline of the autumn season and almost finishing it half-way through June?

Why is the title structured so weird?

Simply, the original name was going to be "Never Have Imagined", but that specific line ended up being the third line in the chorus instead of the first or last. The first line in the chorus is "This is the Highest", so I chose "Highest" to be the main line, and "Never Have Imagined" to be the subtitle.

Why are you talking about it and not letting me hear it?

Well aren't you a feisty one? I've got 20 seconds of it here. The entire thing is 3 minutes 40 seconds, but... I don't want to show off the whole thing yet.
There are lyrics too, but I've yet to record those. Like I said, I think I'm done for now.

When I do finish the whole thing, I will release the instrumental version via Bandcamp. The lyrics will be reserved for the recipient only.

If you would like to hear a sample of my current favorite brainchild, click here.

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